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Why Do I Need my Spouse's Consent for 401(k) Loan


As a spouse has an interest in the accrued benefit of a participant, the plan does not satisfy the survivor annuity requirement unless the plan provides that, at the time the participant's accrued benefit is used as security for a loan, spousal consent to such use is obtained. Consent is required even if the accrued benefit is not the primary security for the loan.

No spousal consent is necessary if, at the time the loan is secured, no consent would be required for a distribution under $5,000. Spousal consent is not required if the total accrued benefit subject to the security is not in excess of the cash-out limit ($5,000) in effect under 1.411(a),11(c)(3)(ii).

For Better or Worse- Lack of Spousal Consent Can Cost You


A woman who claimed that a plan distribution form indicating her consent to her late husband’s distribution election was never properly notarized and therefore invalid has the agreement of a federal judge

The husband had elected a split distribution: one half in a lump sum and one half in an annuity without survivor benefits. The husband passed away after having received the lump sum distribution and two annuity payments. The wife then sued over the waiver's validity.

401(K) Plan Asset Allocation, Account Balances,


Over the past two decades, 401(k) plans have grown to be the most widespread private-sector employer-sponsored retirement plan in the United States, and now serve as the most popular defined contribution (DC) plan, representing the largest number of participants and assets. In 2007, 48.5 million American workers were active 401(k) plan participants. By year-end 2007, 401(k) plan assets had grown to represent 17 percent of all retirement assets, with $3.0 trillion in assets. In an ongoing collaborative effort, the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and the Investment Company Institute (ICI) collect annual data on millions of 401(k) plan participants as a means to accurately portray how these participants manage their accounts. This paper serves as an update of EBRI and ICI's ongoing research into 401(k) plan participants' activity through year-end 2007. The report is divided into four sections: The first describes the EBRI/ICI 401(k) database; the second presents a snapshot of participant account balances at year-end 2007; the third looks at participants' asset allocations, including a new analysis of 401(k) participants' use of lifecycle funds; the fourth focuses on participants' 401(k) loan activity.

The Impact of Automatic Enrollment in 401(k)


Executive Summary

SIGNIFICANCE OF AUTO-ENROLLMENT: Automatic enrollment of participants in 401(k) plans, which was encouraged by provisions in the Pension Protect Act of 2006, is designed to overcome the drawbacks of voluntary enrollment by getting more workers to save in their work place retirement plan. Auto-enrollment for 401(k) plans has been demonstrated by previous EBRI research to have substantial potential benefits for some employees. 

Americans struggle to regain their shrunken wealth


Though the S&P 500 remains 28 percent below its October 2007 peak, employees who have stayed invested in 401(k) plans and continued to contribute have fared better. About 78 percent of them now have more money in those accounts than before the market top three years ago, according to estimates by Jack VanDerhei of the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

Tips On Buying A New Car


After buying a house, make a car is the most expensive purchase of the consumer. Consumers pay on average $ 28,400 on their new car to buy. This underlines the importance of negotiating savvy and know what you get at.
Preparation is the key to avoiding a situation where you commit to a deal that you probably regret it. It is important to know the make and model of car you want. It is also important to know your credit score report, or have some idea of your creditworthiness, so you have a general idea of the price of car you can afford.

Tips on how to Save Money on Mortgage Loans


Mortgage loans are essentially claims exclusively paid to buy someone a house. So if you plan to buy a house, you can use for a mortgage for the banks, financial institutions, private lenders, or specialized mortgage brokers. There are different kinds of mortgages available, with different speeds. And you must try and find the best rates and programs, by searching through a huge number of lenders. could mean the right decision to save thousands of dollars on mortgage payments every year.

How To Compare Mortgage Loans


These questions when comparing home loan can save you money and find the mortgage that best meets your needs.
Comparing mortgage loan is one of the most important things you do when you can buy a house. The decisions you make will determine the size of your monthly payments, how much you pay in advance how much interest you pay over the term of the loan.
You may find it easier to compare loans, if you any lender with a series of questions, including questions:
  • What is the loan’s interest rate?
  • Will I be charged points?
  • What are the closing costs and all other fees?
  • What is the annual percentage rate, or APR – the rate you’ll pay per year for all the costs associated with the loan?
  • Is there a pre-payment penalty?
  • How is the loan amortized, meaning how quickly is the principal paid off?
Find out the answers to these questions no matter what type of loan you’re considering. Each can affect the overall cost of your loan.
If you are considering an adjustable-rate mortgage, or ARM, you can compare loans by asking:
  • When does the rate adjust?
  • How often does the rate adjust?
  • Is there a cap limiting the amount by which the rate can adjust? What would my monthly payments be if my interest rate hit that cap?
  • What is the index and margin that will determine my rate? How has the index changed over time?
ARMs are inherently more risky than fixed-rate mortgages because you’re gambling on whether interest rates will go up or go down before your rate adjusts. Understanding the best- and worst-case scenarios can help you weigh the pros and cons as you compare loans.
But there’s one other big question to consider before you get an ARM:
  • How does the discount introductory rate compare with rates for 30-year fixed-rate loans?
If there’s not much difference when you compare the two, the fixed-rate loan might be a safer bet. You won’t save much in the short-term, and could save a lot over the long term. Plus, you reduce your risk if interest rates shoot up and you can’t refinance before the rate adjustment.
Finally, to truly compare loans, you have to ask yourself some questions:
  • How long do I expect to stay in my home?
  • Are my job and income secure over the long term?
  • Will I be able to afford higher payments in the future?
  • How comfortable am I with risk?
In the end, the best loan is the one that works for your needs.

stock market drops


On May 20, 2010 I was attending day 2 of the NAPFA National Conference and the Dow Jones Average dropped 376 points. On September 15, 2008 I was attending a TD Ameritrade Conference and the Dow dropped about 500 points (and Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy).
I enjoy attending conferences (especially NAPFA conferences) because I have the opportunity to attend educational sessions on various financial topics and most importantly I have the opportunity to talk with and learn from my fellow financial advisors.

not abaut 401k plan


This would certainly seem to be the case based upon this excellent and disturbing post by Kathy Kristof-Senate Moves to Keep 401(k) Fees Hidden.

This issue needs be kept on the front burner. I fear that the Senate Finance Committee is hesitating to act on this issue out of fear that contributions from 401(k) providers will dry up. In my opinion this is the height of lawmakers putting interests of the public last.
 I encourage you to email the members of the Senate Finance Committee and ask them what they could possibly still need to "vet." Ask them to reconsider their decision and to pass a measure that mandates uniform, total, and full disclosure of ALL fees and expenses for all 401(k) plans.  No loopholes, no

The secret sauce for 401 kplan


Many registered reps selling 401(k) plans in the small to mid-sized market would have you believe this. 
To be clear, I have enormous respect and admiration for American Funds as a fund family. They offer a number of excellent funds. They have a deep management/research group. I use several of their funds in 401(k) plan line-ups and in the accounts of some of my individual clients (no-load share classes). 
Contrary to what these registered reps may tell you, an all American Funds lineup is not, in my opinion, a complete 401(k) solution.

401k plan sponsors


If you are wondering what these topics have to do with each other please read on.
Recently my wife and I wanted to try a restaurant on North Rush Street in Chicago. It was early in the dinner hour on a warm Saturday evening and they had an open table right on Rush Street. Nobody was waiting but the snooty hostess wouldn't let us have it as the table was for four. Half the fun of dining out in this area during nice weather is sitting along Rush Street and watching the array of people who parade by.

401k Plans List


Today BrightScope is pleased to announce the Top 30 401k Plans of 2009.  BrightScope’s Top 30 list comprises large 401k plans with high overall quality, as measured by the BrightScope Rating. The BrightScope Rating measures how effective a 401k plan is at getting its participants to retirement. More details about the BrightScope Rating can be obtained in theFAQ section of the BrightScope website.
How does a 401k Plan End up on the Top 30 401k Plans List?  Here are some traits of plans making the list this year:
1. Generous Company Contributions: Company contributions consist of matching, profit sharing, stock bonus and all other company contributions in a given plan year. If participants leave the plan before fully vesting company contributions, the company contributions they forfeit are netted out of the total company contributions. We believe

explains 401(k) Plan


Caps placed by the plan and/or IRS regulations usually limit the percentage of salary deferral contributions. There are also restrictions on how and when employees can withdraw these assets, and penalties may apply if the amount is withdrawn while an employee is under the retirement age as defined by the plan. Plans that allow participants to direct their own investments provide a core group of investment products from which participants may choose. Otherwise, professionals hired by the employer direct and manage the employees' investments.

What Does 401(k) Plan


A qualified plan established by employers to which eligible employees may make salary deferral (salary reduction) contributions on a post-tax and/or pretax basis. Employers offering a 401(k) plan may make matching or non-elective contributions to the plan on behalf of eligible employees and may also add a profit-sharing feature to the plan. Earnings accrue on a tax-deferred basis.

Spending Your Millions $1 at a Time


One of the fundamental principles of finance is the concept that $ 1 today worth more than $ 1 a year from now. The reason is two-fold.First, a dollar will probably buy fewer goods and services in the future due to the destructive power of inflation. Second, if I have the dollar in my hand today, I can invest it and earn aa return in the form of dividends, interest or capital gains.The best advice anyone can ever give you money is to firmly establish this concept of money in the head. The key to financial prosperity is the potential value of every dollar that comes into your hands. In fact, I think of cash as a seed - you can eat either (spend it) or invest it (sow it).
To illustrate this, let's assume a $ 20 bill on the side of the road.They are faced with

Employer match for 401k retirement plans


Many employers, in an effort to attract and retain talent, offer match a certain percentage of the employee's contribution. According to Starbucks "Total Pay Package" brochure, for example, the company a percentage of the first match 4% of pay the employee contributes to their 401 (k) retirement plan. The employees of the company for less than 36 months will represent 25%, 36 to 60 months duration will be a 50% similarity, 60 to 120 months receive a 75% similarity match, 120 or more months receive a 150%. In other words, an employee working at the coffee giant for over ten years earning $ 100,000 would be $ 4,000 to your 401 contribution (k) a $ 6,000 deposit to the account directly by the company (150% match on $ 4,000 contribution. ) All the employees would be deposited above the 4% threshold is not a game.
Even if you have high interest credit card debt, it is preferable to help fit in almost all cases to the maximum amount your company!The reason is simple mathematics: If you pay 20% on a credit card and your company matching you dollar for dollar (a 100% return), you will end up poorer by paying off the debt. Factor in the deferred tax profits by 401 (k) plan created, and the disparity is even greater. For more information about this topic I recommend the work of Suze Orman.
Although the topic is discussed in more detail later in this article, be aware that employers are matching contributions up to six percent of the employee's salary before tax is not included in the annual limit. For example, if you qualify, you could make a 401k contribution of $ 16,500 in 2009 and still have your employer to deposit with the first six percent of your salary, the game beyond the $ 16,500 you contributed directly would.

401k Advantages benefits


Every company, whether a C Corporation may establish, S corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, self-employed plan. The company sets the conditions within certain guidelines, which will be established at the time the plan. Employers, persons with less than 1 year service, union members, non-US citizens, part-timers to limit, etc., from being eligible for the plan. Contributions to plan can come from voluntary employee salary reduction, employer or both. Each employee can defer in 2010 up to $ 16,500 or 100% of compensation, less. Participants aged 50 years can make additional "catch-up" contributions of $ 5,500 in 2010. Employees are immediately vested 100% with their own salary reduction tax deferred

401 k how it works


Employee 401k contribution are automatically deducted from their paycheck each pay period. This money will be before the employees paycheck is taxed over. The contributions are invested at the employees direction in one or more funds in the plan provided. Employers often "match" employee contributions, but are not obliged to. While the investments grow in the employees 401k account, they do not pay taxes on it.

What is a 401k plan


Employer-funded pensions are usually divided into two broad categories: defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC). In a DB plan, the employer promises a defined amount to retirees to pay for meeting certain eligibility criteria. In other words, the plan defines the service received to be. In its typical form, a DB plan pays a lifetime monthly benefit for retirees to meet